Business Forms
The forms needed to start or register your business in North Carolina are available here.
Working in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Small Business Advisors offers free one-on-one consultations to anyone starting a new business in North Carolina.
Our team can answer your questions and help you navigate topics like regulatory requirements, licensing stipulations, small business training and more. The guidance provided by Small Business Advisors is not intended to replace formal legal or accounting advice.
Kevin McLaughlin, owner and operator of Larema Coffee House with locations in Rocky Mount and Wilson, NC, praises the support of the EDPNC’s Small Business Advisors that helped turn his business dreams into a reality.
The forms needed to start or register your business in North Carolina are available here.
The ability to sell or promote your products and services is critical to your success. By expanding your markets, diversifying your products and tapping into...
Finding sources of capital for your business start-up can be confusing and difficult. Here you'll find basic information on the various resources available for individuals...
Programs offered by the government to help you get your business start and grow your small business.
The EDPNC Small Business Advisors are the go-to resource for starting a business in North Carolina. Using the Business Planning Checklist, you can start a business easily.
Have questions or need help getting started? Connect with one of our Small Business Advisors for a customized consultation, detailed state license information and contacts for the city, county and federal governments appropriate to your business needs. The team in available Monday through Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 800.228.8443
North Carolina no longer has a state-issued generic business license that will ensure compliance with all requirements. Some businesses may be subject to several state requirements while others may not be subject to any. There are nearly 950 regulatory, state-issued and occupational licenses and permits, 319 occupational licenses, 498 business licenses, and 80 business/occupational licenses. In addition, a local license may be required for your business.
Have questions or need help getting started? Connect with one of our small business advisors for a customized consultation, detailed state license information and contacts for the city, county and federal governments appropriate to your business needs. The team in available Monday through Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 800.228.8443
Here is what you should consider when starting your business:
Have questions or need help getting started? Connect with one of our small business advisors for a customized consultation, detailed state license information and contacts for the city, county and federal governments appropriate to your business needs. The team is available Monday – Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 800.228.8443.
Need More Help?
Phone 800.228.8443