NC Business FAQs

Start A Business

  • How do I start a business in North Carolina?

    The EDPNC Small Business Advisors are the go-to resource for starting a business in North Carolina. Using the Business Planning Checklist, you can start a business easily.

    Have questions or need help getting started? Connect with one of our Small Business Advisors for a customized consultation, detailed state license information and contacts for the city, county and federal governments appropriate to your business needs. The team in available Monday through Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 800.228.8443

    Contact Small Business Advisors

  • How do I acquire a business license or permit?

    North Carolina no longer has a state-issued generic business license that will ensure compliance with all requirements. Some businesses may be subject to several state requirements while others may not be subject to any. There are nearly 950 regulatory, state-issued and occupational licenses and permits, 319 occupational licenses, 498 business licenses, and 80 business/occupational licenses. In addition, a local license may be required for your business.

    Have questions or need help getting started? Connect with one of our small business advisors for a customized consultation, detailed state license information and contacts for the city, county and federal governments appropriate to your business needs. The team in available Monday through Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 800.228.8443

  • What else should I consider before starting a business in North Carolina?

    Here is what you should consider when starting your business: 

    • Consult with an accountant for bookkeeping and tax purposes. 
    • Consider obtaining insurance.  
    • Review contracts with legal counsel. 
    • Review applicable regulations (OSHA, EPA, Labor, etc.). 
    • Register trademarks or patents. 
    • Develop policy and employee handbook. 
    • Join trade associations and chambers of commerce. 

    Have questions or need help getting started? Connect with one of our small business advisors for a customized consultation, detailed state license information and contacts for the city, county and federal governments appropriate to your business needs. The team is available Monday – Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 800.228.8443. 

Grow A Business

  • What resources are available to help expand my North Carolina business?

    Our Existing Industry Expansion Managers are strategically located across the state to help businesses find the resources to help manage, maintain, and grow your business.

    Find Your Regional Contact

  • How do I find suppliers in my area?

    The Manufactured NC database is the perfect resource to help you find suppliers in your area.


  • How do I find educated, skilled, and ready-to-work labor for my business?

    Our partners at NCWorks and the North Carolina Community College System have developed customizable workforce development training programs to help you find the right skillset of workers for your business.


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