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The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) has received Business Facilities magazine’s inaugural 2023 Economic Development Organization award in the State Economic Development Organization category. North Carolina is one of four state groups receiving the distinction, which honors organizations for their hard work and dedication in securing record-breaking economic development projects and creating new economic development growth for communities across their states. The Arizona Commerce Authority, Empire State Development-New York, and the Mississippi Development Authority were the other organizations receiving the award.
“Every day the EDPNC team works to improve the economic well-being and quality of life of all North Carolinians, through business recruitment and development, existing industry support, international trade, small business services, tourism and film,” said Christopher Chung, CEO of the EDPNC. “We are proud to be a part of Team North Carolina, of the work we have accomplished, and the state and local partnerships we have made, which have had a hand in North Carolina becoming a top state for business.”
Since its inception, the EDPNC has worked with state, local, and private partners to welcome some of North Carolina’s biggest economic development projects. In 2022 alone, North Carolina welcomed 151 new projects totaling 27,144 new jobs for residents and $15.58 billion in capital investment from companies across many different industries. This includes VinFast’s announcement of its first North American electric vehicle (EV) assembly and battery manufacturing plant, for a $1 billion investment in Chatham County bringing in 7,500 jobs; and Wolfspeed, which announced its newest semiconductor manufacturing plant in Siler City, for a $5 billion investment creating 1,800 jobs. Boom Supersonic also announced its supersonic airliner manufacturing and assembly plant in Greensboro, for an investment of $500 million creating 1,750 jobs; and Eli Lilly and Company announced its new manufacturing site in Concord, for an investment of $1 billion and creating 600 jobs.
The North Carolina Film Office and Visit North Carolina teams, divisions of EDPNC, also had a record-breaking year in 2022. More than 90 projects were filmed in all eight of the state’s prosperity zones, resulting in direct in-state spending of more than $258 million dollars. This was the fifth highest spend since 2000. Total spending by domestic and international visitors in North Carolina reached $33.3 billion in 2022. That sum represents a 15.2 percent increase over 2021 expenditures.
To read more about Business Facilities magazine’s 2023 Economic Development Awards, visit businessfacilities.com.