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21st Century Software Technologies, Inc. (21CS), a global software development company, will create 25 new jobs in Carteret County. The company will invest $455,000 to relocate its headquarters to Morehead City.
“Evolving from tobacco to tech, North Carolina’s economy is now at the forefront of innovation,” Governor Cooper said. “Morehead City will welcome 21CS with a growing tech industry that will continue to fuel job creation, innovation, and economic opportunity for generations to come.”
Founded in 1992, 21CS is a leading software developer with locations across the United States, Australia, and Germany. Specializing in the development of mainframe products that ensure data protection while maximizing performance, 21CS creates custom software solutions for mission-critical systems throughout the business and IT sectors. 21CS will relocate its Boston headquarters to Morehead City while expanding its development, marketing, and technical support operations to provide the company the space and talent needed to continue its rapid growth.
“North Carolina, and Eastern North Carolina, in particular offer a unique combination of a business-friendly government, great local colleges, affordable living and an outstanding quality of life,” said Eddy Ciliendo, CEO 21CS. “We are excited to become part of the community and grow our global operations in North Carolina.”
“North Carolina is quickly becoming one of the most attractive destinations for tech companies across the nation,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “From the mountains to the coast, our state offers a unique blend of cutting-edge infrastructure, world-class talent pool, and a quality of life that’s second to none. North Carolina is ready to lead in technology, and we’re thrilled to have visionary companies like 21CS join us on this journey.”
21CS will create new jobs in role categories including software engineering and software support. While wages vary by position, annual wages for new positions will average $87,920, exceeding the Carteret County average of $41,149. These new jobs could potentially create an annual payroll impact of $2.2 million for the region.
A performance-based grant of $25,000 from the One North Carolina Fund awarded to 21CS will help the company relocate to Morehead City. The OneNC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All OneNC grants require a matching grant from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.
“Morehead City is poised for continued economic growth and opportunities while striving to maintain the unique character and spirit of the town that makes it so special,” said N.C. Representative Celeste Cairns. “We look forward to seeing how this partnership will help encourage a prosperous future for Morehead City and North Carolina as a whole.”
The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina would like to recognize the North Carolina Department of Commerce as well as other key partners involved in this project, including the North Carolina General Assembly, Commerce’s Division of Workforce Solutions, East Carolina University, University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina Community College System, Carteret Community College, Morehead City Economic Development Office, Morehead City, and Carteret County Economic Development Foundation.