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For Immediate Release
RALEIGH, N.C. ― The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) today launched a national advertising campaign focused on increasing awareness and choice of North Carolina as a place where diverse businesses and workforce talent can thrive.
Titled “All In North Carolina,” the campaign’s central message stresses the vast opportunity and diversity of place, people, businesses and industries North Carolina offers. That message will be delivered to the key markets of business relocation decisionmakers and mobile workforce talent.
The campaign’s signature video features Jaki Shelton Green, North Carolina’s first African American Poet Laureate. Her narration and the imagery beautifully capture the many types of people who live and work in North Carolina.
Green refers to the state’s Nobel laureates, poet laureates and baccalaureates; its glassblowers and glass-ceiling breakers; its brainiacs and extreme sports maniacs; its dancers and take-a-stancers; and so much more. “All rising. All thriving. All in North Carolina,” she says.
The campaign, which runs through the end of the year, relies primarily on highly targeted digital media properties to support lead generation for the EDPNC’s business recruitment efforts. “All In North Carolina” will run via streaming video, digital display advertising, print, and social media.
The $2 million campaign arose out of the recognition that marketing to bring additional jobs and tax dollars to North Carolina should be part of the state’s COVID-19 recovery effort.
“North Carolina offers a very strong value proposition for businesses considering relocation or expansion. And this is being recognized in the media and the site selection community,” said Denise Desatnick, EDPNC vice president of marketing and research. “However, relative to the states we compete with most often, our top-of-mind awareness and consideration among the key audiences of corporate executives, location consultants, and mobile workforce talent is low.”
“All In North Carolina” is designed to help remedy that through its highly targeted, creative and memorable messaging that brings to life assets including the state’s natural beauty, high quality of life, mix of urban and rural settings, affordability, business-friendly tax climate, educational ecosystem, spirit of innovation, and more. The campaign strongly positions the state as the place where diverse minds connect and thrive.
“Coming out of the pandemic, we also see a great opportunity to attract newly remote workers to relocate to North Carolina,” said Christopher Chung, chief executive officer of the EDPNC. “Workforce is consistently the top priority of businesses considering where to relocate or expand, so marketing to attract talent is increasingly important.”
The campaign was created by Mythic, a marketing and advertising firm based in Charlotte.
About the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) is a private nonprofit corporation that serves as North Carolina’s statewide economic development organization. Governed by an 18-member board of business and industry leaders from across the state, the EDPNC focuses on business and job recruitment, existing industry support, international trade, and tourism and film marketing. The EDPNC, which operates under contract with the North Carolina Department of Commerce, works closely with public- and private-sector partners at the state, regional and local levels. For more information, visit edpnc.com.
Example of “All In North Carolina” print ad
Contact: Mary Wilson, EDPNC Communications Manager
(M) 919-717-0409 | Mary.Wilson@edpnc.com