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North Carolina has enjoyed considerable success in recent years in recruiting large economic development projects. With this success, the State has also depleted some of its best sites for projects requiring substantial land and readiness, while the competition continues to grow. Major manufacturing projects in the aerospace, automotive, clean energy, food processing, life sciences, and semiconductor industries, among others, are especially competitive and require ample site options.
To that end, the North Carolina General Assembly established a Megasites Readiness Program as part of the state’s FY 2022-23 budget legislation. The Program was amended, and substantial funding added as part of the 2023-24 budget legislation.
Public Comment
The EDPNC is accepting public comments on the Selectsite Readiness Program proposed guidelines until 5pm on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Please submit comments to Garrett Wyckoff (garrett.wyckoff@edpnc.com) and/or Dan Gerlach (dangerlachnc@gmail.com).
Email garrett.wyckoff@edpnc.com
Phone 919.447.7743