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Phase Change Solutions, a manufacturer of products for temperature management, will add 35 new jobs in Guilford County. The company’s investment in the new U.S. headquarters and manufacturing operation in the City of Greensboro is expected to be more than $3.5 million.
“This new investment in the headquarters and manufacturing capability of Phase Change Solutions here in Guilford County highlights the advantages of operating in our state,” said Governor Cooper. “The company’s commitment to sustainability makes them a strong partner in North Carolina’s collective effort to transition to a clean energy economy.”
Phase Change Solutions (PCS) manufactures advanced materials for temperature management for various industries. From construction to pharmaceuticals, PCS offers energy efficient solutions with the use of innovative technology to analyze energy necessities and consumption for unique applications. The company’s new location will expand the company’s production capacity and consolidate its R&D, warehouse, and headquarters operations to Greensboro.
“Our new location in Greensboro will be an extension of our evolution to be a world class advanced materials company,” said Govi Rao, CEO of Phase Change Solutions. “We are very excited to partner with the State of North Carolina that has a rich heritage of deep technology combined with access to the best talent in the country and commitment to enable the transition to a circular and a decarbonized economy that works for all.”
“Advanced manufacturers want to operate where they are afforded a diverse workforce and resources to support their growth,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “North Carolina has the skilled talent and research infrastructure that will help foster a strong ecosystem for PCS to further its leadership in clean energy and advanced materials.”
New positions being created by the company will support the company’s manufacturing, distribution, and R&D operations. Although salaries vary by position, the company’s overall average annual wage of $80,429 will exceed Guilford County’s average annual wage of $57,190. These new jobs could create an annual payroll impact of more than $2.8 million for the community.
A performance-based grant of $75,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help with PCS’ expansion in North Carolina. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require matching participation from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.
“We are delighted to welcome Phase Change Solutions expansion to Greensboro,” said N.C. Senator Gladys A. Robinson. “Guilford County is the place that welcomes great businesses. We have world-class institutions of higher education that can supply the best educated and trained workforce. We appreciate the company’s confidence in our ability to provide a skilled workforce for these great paying jobs.”
The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina would like to recognize the North Carolina Department of Commerce as well as other key partners involved in this project, including the North Carolina General Assembly, Rural Infrastructure Authority, North Carolina Community College System, Guilford Tech Community College, Guilford County, Guilford County Economic Development Alliance, GuilfordWorks, Greensboro Chamber of Commerce, and City of Greensboro.