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Join us for an Export Education webinar on Export Compliance on Tuesday, March 18, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Program Overview:
This will be a strong hands-on training program and is ideal for exporters of all experience levels. We will discuss many different topics including licensing, documentation, HTS classification, and common errors with EEI filing’s. Upon completion of this program, you will be aware of the new export security requirements for all exporters. You will have an 11-point checklist to guide you to full compliance on every export. You will become aware of the required eight lists that must be checked on all exports, and understand what common red flags means to you. We will review the five questions that you are required to know about your customer in every export transaction and discuss strategies on how to implement these into your organization.
You will walk away that day with a better understanding of the regulations and with specific tools and instructions on how to begin building a secure and compliant department and company. If you haven’t been to a recent export compliance training, this is one you won’t want to miss.
Who should attend: Traffic managers, purchasing managers, shipping/receiving personnel, compliance officers, sales managers, customer service managers and anyone involved or concerned with international shipments.