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Join us for an Export Education webinar on International Documentation? on Tuesday, April 22, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Program Overview:
Have you ever filled out a document without understanding all the required fields and simply copied it from a previous one because that’s how it’s always been done? Have you been told that your shipment is “stuck” in customs due to missing or incomplete information? Has your company been charged unnecessary “documentation” fees or faced shipment delays because documents needed corrections? If you want to ensure your paperwork is accurate or have questions, issues, or delays due to documentation problems, this training program is essential for you.
This program will help you understand when and how you should be filling out international documents listed below. We will go through each document, step by step, and to help you identify where to go and what to look for in your own documents to fill them out accurately and know when they are required. Many companies are exposing themselves unnecessarily to shipment delays, Customs audits and demurrage charges because there is incomplete or inaccurate documentation for the shipment. In this webinar, you will learn what documents you should be filling out and how to do so accurately so you can keep your customers, distributors and company ahead of schedule.
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