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North Carolina

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North Carolina Ranked America's 2023 Top State for Business

For the second year in a row, CNBC has named North Carolina America’s Top State for Business. A world-class workforce played a major role in securing the top spot as did a thriving economy and a low cost of living.

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Why NC

Whether your business has roots in North Carolina or you want to relocate your business here, NC is primed for you to succeed.

NC At A Glance

A man working at a construction site

#1 State for Workforce

Lowest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the US
Top 10
State for Starting a New Business
People are talking to each other while going down the stairs.

Top 3 Fastest-Growing State in the US

State for Sustainability
Million Customers Within A Days Drive

All That North Carolina Has to Offer

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Workforce & Education

Our diverse workforce is closely tied to the state’s top-tier universities and 58-campus community college system.

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Business Climate

With a 2.5% and falling corporate tax rate, North Carolina is continually ranked as one of the best business climates in the United States.

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Our central location on the eastern seaboard and excellent transportation infrastructure provides an optimal point of access to markets while keeping freight and delivery costs low.

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Quality of Life

Tens of thousands of newcomers relocate to North Carolina every year. A cost of living 5% below the national average helps.

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Targeted, performance-based incentive programs help ease the tax burden and lower the overall costs of doing business in North Carolina.

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Clean Energy

Not only is North Carolina the top state in offshore wind energy potential on the east coast, but it’s also ranked #1 for renewable energy leadership.

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Innovation is Elemental in North Carolina

Technologies like AI, fintech, mobility, and life sciences are driving ahead at full speed in this state, and a world-class workforce is behind the wheel.

Lower Taxes Have Put North Carolina On Top

North Carolina has the 3rd best effective tax rate for new businesses and the 5th best for mature ones. Plus, the 2.5% tax rate will drop to 0% by 2030. Read all about it in the KPMG and Tax Foundation study and North Carolina’s Tax Competitiveness White Paper.

Charlotte city skyline evening view

Find Your Site and Move On It

From mega to certified shovel-ready, a wide selection of sites are available for you to explore.

construction site

Discover All That North Carolina Has in Store For You.

Let Your Career Grow Where Quality of Life Thrives

See what its like to work and live in North Carolina.

North Carolina Quality of Life