North Carolina Economic Development Activity Report

NC EDAR is the most comprehensive resource for statewide economic development project wins, job creation, and capital investment.

edpnc white and gold emblem on blue background

Discover Insights on NC's Project Wins

The NC EDAR report aggregates all statewide project activity, including ones led by the EDPNC and ones led solely by local communities. The NC EDAR report, released quarterly, provides strategic insights on job creation, capital investment, foreign direct investment, and more.

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Economic Impact by the Numbers

In 2024, companies like Natron Energy, Johnson & Johnson, Morinaga, and more expanded or relocated their operations to the North Carolina.
Total New Jobs Announced
More About Workforce
Capital Investment Announced
More About Site Selection

Detailed Project Data

A thorough breakdown of project data from CY 2024.

  • 01
    Job Creation by Sector

    Companies in a wide range of sectors choose North Carolina because it’s a top state for growth, fueled by steady in-migration and a robust talent pipeline.

  • 02
    Project Activity by Month

    With streamlined project support at the state, regional, and local level, North Carolina’s economic development community generated 166 wins in 2024.

  • 03
    Foreign Direct Investment

    Firms from 17 different countries announced $7.9 billion in capital investment in 2024.

Companies in a wide range of sectors choose North Carolina because it’s a top state for growth, fueled by steady in-migration and a robust talent pipeline.

With streamlined project support at the state, regional, and local level, North Carolina’s economic development community generated 166 wins in 2024.

Firms from 17 different countries announced $7.9 billion in capital investment in 2024.

Contact for Detailed Reports

Jack Nelms

Jack Nelms

Research Specialist

Submit Your Project

Economic development professionals across the state can use the CIR to help fill data requests and/or create a more comprehensive picture of job and investment growth. More specifically, you can use project data to:

– Keep track of job and investment numbers in your county and/or region.
– Track investment trends over time.
– Fulfill project-level economic development data needs.

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